Unravel from the pain of PMDD & reclaim the power of your menstrual cycle

Do you feel like you’ve tried everything, yet Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder is still controlling your life?

Woman gazes into a clearing in the woods contemplating freedom from PMDD

You feel trapped and broken. You spend days in bed with depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. Your relationship is hanging by a thread. The rage episodes terrify even you. And the strict diets, the expensive supplements, and the meds you don't even want to take aren't helping enough. You just want to be free.

There is a way out. And the way out is IN. When you reconnect with your body and cyclical nature, you end the war with your cycle and come home to your feminine power. When you heal old wounds and traumas, you unravel painful symptoms back to sensation and emotion to find solutions. When you uncover the hidden history of menstruation and understand the systems of oppression around us, you understand that what's broken was never you.

You can end the war with your cycle and come home to yourself.

Brett Buchert, PMDD coach and menstrual cycle guide, smiles on a snowy hike

Hi, I’m Brett.

I help women like myself, like YOU, heal holistically from PMDD.

I'm a PMDD Coach + Cycle Guide. I have a background in psychology with ten years experience supporting women's mental health. I am the co-creator of the Me v PMDD symptom tracking app.

My initiation began at puberty with severe cyclical depression and anxiety. But it would take a 10-year winding road to finally receive a diagnosis of PMDD, and then trialing a dozen different medications to finally discover that there was so much to learn through my suffering.

I dove deep in my study of the menstrual cycle, emotions, shadow work, and trauma healing. I explored the anthropology of menstruation and the complicated history of women's health.

And slowly I began to grow reverence for my cyclical, emotional, creative nature. I stopped fighting myself through every premenstrual phase, and started to embrace this other shade of me. I healed buried traumas from my youth and unraveled symptoms back to the emotions, signals, and sensations they were always meant to be.

I healed from PMDD, and you can too.


Menstrual Cycle Awareness for PMDD

A 1-hour masterclass to spark healing from PMDD through the wisdom of your menstrual cycle

1:1 Cycle Guidance

Personalized support to unravel symptoms and create a lifestyle that aligns with your unique menstrual cycle

Brett Buchert provides 1:1 guidance to help women heal holistically from PMDD

Healing from PMDD is possible because what’s broken was never you.